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Brake Pedal Goes To Floor, What Does It Mean ?

David Sigalingging 2 min read
Car braking system works to stop the vehicle, but the brake system is also often exposed to problems. One of them brake pedal goes to floor, then what does it mean? and what causes it?

Basically, the wheels of the vehicle will stop when the brake pedal is suppressed even half. However, on this issue the brake pedal will go down to the floor and the wheels also sometimes do not stop.

Surely this is very dangerous because we know that braking system is an active vehicle safety system. This problem is increasingly confusing when this happens sometimes. Then what causes it?

What Does Brake Pedal Too deep When Suppressed

1. Thin brake lining/pad

You would agree that the new brake pad has a thicker canvas than a brake pad that has been used for 3 months.

This is happened because when we press the brake pedal, there is friction between the brake canvas and disc brake, this friction will erode the brake canvas surface little by little. So in about 1 year, brake canvas can be thinner.

What is the relationship with the above problem?

The relation is on the movement of the piston on the brake caliper, if the brake pad is thick then the piston only needs a litle move to make the canvas rub with the disc. But if the brake canvas thin, then the movement of the piston will be further away so that the brake pedal needs deeper to be pressed.

Solution : Generally, there are some symptoms that appear when the brake pad is thin. This symptom is the sound of friction between the brake disk with the brake pad. If there is a friction when the brake pedal pressed, inspect the brake pad, if it is thin immediately replace it and if it is still thick, go to point 2 below.

2. There are air in the brake hydraulic system.

The weakness of the hydraulic brake is air, if this goes into the hydraulic channel, then the brake pedal will surely sink. This is due to Air has compression properties, so the pressure of the brake pedal will only compress the air inside the hydraulic line. As the result, the pressure is not up to the brake caliper.

This condition can also cause the brake does not work if there is a lot of air coming into the hydraulic system.

The question is, where does this air come from?

Apparently, air can enter through the brake reservoir. If the volume of brake fluid inside the reservoir tub is less than normal, the air can enter easily. Now imagine when your car passes the bumpy road. Surely the brake fluid inside the reservoir tube also shook. If the inlet channel in the reservoir is not stagnant by the brake fluid, air can enter the hydraulic system.

Solution: Perform bleeding by utilizing bleeder nut on brake caliper. After the bleeding process is complete, do not forget to fill the brake fluid up to the maximum volume.

3. Master Cylinder Damage

one of the broken brake master's symptoms is, when the brake pedal pressed, it will feel solid. However, getting down to the floor (in a running car position). If your car is equipped with ABS brake system, this can happened when your car not running but its normal, When it happened when your car running, its abnormal.

This problem occurs because there is a leakage of brake fluid inside the master cylinder. So when the brake is pressed, the pressure is leaked. As a result, the pressure toward the brake caliper becomes smaller than the pressure on the brake pedal (brake pedal pressure can not be continued).

How to Overcome: to overcome this, we need to do the deassembly. If only the inner piston seal is broken, we just need to replace it. But if there is damage to the piston then we have to replace a unit of brake master.
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